
“A Good Dog, The Story of Orson Who Changed My Life” by Jon Katz

Review by Pam Marr Rybinski

Katz, the Bestselling author of “A DOG YEAR” AND “THE DOGS OF BEDLAM FARM,” chose a title for this autobiographical slice of life that could be a misnomer. Then again, maybe “A Good Dog” is not, a misnomer, that is. Katz and Devon/Orson exemplify what some other lucky people have lovingly described: a forever human/dog relationship.

That this “soul merger” can be a deep source of joy and satisfaction is awe inspiring; that it can also be the door to anguish and pain is beyond question. Think of the yin and the yang in all aspects of life. Katz’s subtitle “THE STORY OF ORSON WHO CHANGED MY LIFE” is indubitably accurate as a title. You must read the book yourself to decide about the “good dog” part.

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