
Subtopics: Toys | Books | Equipment

Every product listed here has earned the Dog Momma seal of approval through actual use. Yes, if you buy through our affiliate relationships, Dog Momma earns a dollar or two. But we never recommend anything that we wouldn’t use ourselves.


Dogs really need only sticks and balls to keep them occupied, but why stop there when so many fun toys invite all kinds of inventive dog play?


If you love dogs and you love to read, then you need books about dogs! Some of the books reviewed here are how-to’s that will help you care for your dog. Others are stories—true stories or fictional stories, inspiring or funny or thrilling stories—all featuring dogs (and sometimes their humans).




Premier Pet Treat PouchHere we review practical tools that promote safety, security, good dog-human relations, and more: harnesses, collars, leashes, crates…

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