Tag Archives | troubleshooting

Thunderstorms – End the Mystique

Is your dog scared of thunder? Maybe she needs to see the storm… smell it… feel it. And all with your protection. See this quick video for a better idea.

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No Jumping! aka Four Paws on the Floor

Stopping your dog from jumping on people is a prime example of the importance of understanding how your dog thinks and of teaching Yes.

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Housetraining is actually fairly easy—as long as you stick by the rules.

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Socialize Your Dog

The best thing you can do for your dog—starting as young as possible—is to socialize her to a wide variety of experiences. The goal is to teach your dog to be comfortable in all the potentially stressful situations she might encounter.

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Stop Bad Behavior

There’s one good way to stop your dog from doing things you don’t want him to do: Give him something better to do instead, and reward him for doing it, as explained in our page on Teach Yes, Not No.

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Appropriate Barking

The first step to controlling your dog’s barking is to understand what the dog is trying to communicate.

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Teach Yes, Not No

Always look for the “yes” in every situation. In other words, what IS acceptable right now? Don’t get into the routine of saying “no” all the time; this will be no fun for you or your dog. Positive reinforcement is a phrase we’ve all heard; this article breaks the concept down into a few good examples.

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Control Yourself, Control Your Dog

Often times when dogs feel uneasy, there is an uneasy human around. Focus on good energy for yourself, and the dogs will follow.

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Be the Pack Leader

When it comes to dogs, you’ve probably heard “be the boss” or “the alpha” or even the “pack leader”. Read here to understand more about what it all means. It’s part “power” but also a lot of listening, communicating and teaching.

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Home Alone, Part 3: Training the Human

How you feel and act when you leave the house and when you come back will affect how your dog behaves. Dogs are highly sensitive to our feelings. So this post is about training yourself to help your dog be comfortable while home alone.

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The word “leadership” has become a popular sound bite, which is kind of good. However, some people misinterpret the meaning, which is bad. This article summarizes the meaning of leadership related in the context of dogs.

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